Isaiah 41:10
fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. As we continue with the social distancing guidelines for another month let us rest in God’s. -Pastor
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Online Giving
We are now able to accept your tithes and offerings online! Visit the Giving page for more details.
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VBS 2019
Stavanger Free Lutheran Church 2019 VBS: The Incredible Race June 24-28, 2019 8:30am-11:45am Click for more information Register now! Click here This year, we are asking that all kids are registered online. Please register your children (one form per child) using the form at the link above. Thank you!
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Heritage Sunday
As part of our 125th Anniversary celebrations, we held a "Heritage Sunday" on October 11th. Our congregation was encouraged to wear clothing from a past era, and sit with the women on the west and men on the east (as was custom during our church's early years). Several members from…
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New Addition Construction
The building committee and congregation were able to walk through the new addition, just as the crew prepared to hang drywall. The new Sunday School classrooms are scheduled to be available in October. [gallery ids="817,818,819,820,821"]
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Construction Continues
Our new Sunday School wing continues to make progress on schedule! [gallery ids="823,822,816,814,815,813,812,811"]
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New Addition: Groundbreaking
The Stavanger congregation enjoyed beautiful weather for our 2015 addition groundbreaking on Sunday, April 12. The new addition will be added to the west of the existing Fellowship Hall and provide new Sunday School rooms, added fellowship hall space and more. [gallery link="file" columns="5" ids="699,700,701,702,704,705,706,707,708"]
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Groundbreaking Scheduled
On April 12, Stavanger will hold a groundbreaking ceremony for the 2015 addition of Sunday School rooms and added fellowship hall space. We are eager for this addition to enhance our ministry. We will be posting photos and updates along the way, so check back throughout the spring and summer.
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Operation Christmas Child Delivery
Pastor found this fantastic blog post of David Olson delivering Operation Christmas Child boxes in Northern Mongolia to the children of Reindeer herders. Stavanger has rallied to provide hundreds of these boxes over the past several years. Read the story here.