Since 2013, Stavanger has been seriously considering several building improvements to enhance and expand our ministry. The biggest priority at the moment is adding on Sunday School rooms, followed by increased seating in the fellowship hall and sanctuary, and audio/visual improvements in the sanctuary. From July 14-16, we held three Charrette (“sharing of ideas”) meetings with Building God’s Way, who came up with two concepts to meet our needs (see below).
Three follow-up meetings have been scheduled to discuss further and decide on a course of action, if any:
August 17 11:15am Congregational Meeting – Explanation of Next Steps with Building God’s Way
September 14 11:15am Congregational Meeting – Presentation of Construction Costs, Receive Input, Select Plan 1 or 2
October 12 11:15am Congregational meeting – Vote to Proceed with Construction
Please talk to a Building Committee member with any questions or concerns, and be in prayer for the decisions to be made.